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Small Repairs that Can Become Big Repairs if Ignored

There are so many moving parts in your vehicle, and just one of them failing could compromise a whole system. Luckily, most failures within your vehicle should turn your check engine light on. At Mighty Auto Pro, we’ve helped lots of customers with their check engine lights, and have replaced practically everything possible in the past. We wanted to take some time today to talk about some small repairs that can become big repairs if ignored.

Cracks in Your Windshield

Windshields crack often. Pebbles and rocks get kicked back all the time when you’re driving, and storms can knock branches down. If you’ve ever had a crack in your windshield, then you already know, but if not, we want to warn you, windshield cracks grow. If your crack starts out small, you’re best off getting it fixed right away, as it will grow and become worse.

Look for Puddles Under Your Car

Before you start driving your vehicle, we recommend you take a look underneath, checking for any pools of liquid. It could be oil, transmission fluid, water or gas, but it doesn’t matter. If your vehicle is leaking, you need to have it looked over by a professional auto-repair specialist. If left damaged, the leak could become worse, and could lead to additional issues.

Noisy Brakes

Have you been hearing any sounds coming out of your brakes when you apply them? This is a sign that something isn’t working properly. You want to get your brakes looked at as soon as possible because that noise means somewhere there is metal scraping on metal.

Work with an Experienced Auto Mechanic

No matter what issue you’re having, our team of trained auto-repair specialists are here to help. Whether or not you know what’s wrong with your vehicle or need it to be inspected, our team is standing by ready to answer any questions you may have.

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